Goals 2025
Arrange my affairs such that I could not look at any glowing screen devices for up to a month at a time, if I wanted.
Solve money forever.
Spend no more than a globally equitable amount of money.
Do something purely because I want to, and not “because metacrisis”.
Do or build something that gets me out of my social comfort zone.
Realize that I don’t know where my phone is because I set it down sometime last week and can’t remember where.
It’s all of us together, carried by a resonance, that will effect great change. In other words, I operate from the story of the wave, not the story of the hero. - Peter Kalmus, Being the Change
Pragmatic Perspectives:
Today it is harder than ever to find vanilla extract that actually comes from the vanilla bean. Products sold as vanilla extract are often composed of sugar and artificial flavoring. But vanilla extract is simple to make at home and inexpensive. You need only a glass bottle, vanilla beans, and vodka or another flavorless high-proof alcohol. Vanilla beans can be purchased online. Enough beans to make 50 bottles of real vanilla extract can be bought for the price of a few bottles of the mimic sold in the stores. -Wendy Jehanara Tremayne, The Good Life Lab
I don’t really use vanilla extract, but this kind of practical insight is everywhere when you start to look. We’re being grossly overcharged for our standard lifestyles, and it isn’t an accident.