(eBook) Deep Response: An Emergency Education in Post-Consumer Praxis

(eBook) Deep Response: An Emergency Education in Post-Consumer Praxis
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You can't look away.
You see the climate destabilization, biodiversity loss, resource scarcity, toxic bioaccumulation, and climate injustice happening all around us. You aren't the type to bury your head in the sand or shrug it off and so you roll up your sleeves.
But where to start? How to ensure your work doesn't inadvertently cause harm, a pattern as old as good intentions? How to ensure your efforts actually matter? You aren't interested in repair work on the post-iceberg Titanic.
I threw myself at these questions for over a decade. I thrashed and hammered at the problem of building a life relevant to the challenges of the 21st century and, mostly, got nowhere. Those were years of intense effort with nothing to show for it. My despair grew year by year.
Then, in a quiet moment late at night in early 2020, I found the foot of the path I'd been looking for in a place I never would have expected. I'd been thinking about the problem wrong all along. What I learned would change the course of my life forever.
This is the book I wish I'd had at the beginning of my journey.
Read Chapter 1
Read all of Chapter 1: You Are Walking Into A Trap.
Q: "What will I learn in this book?"
The importance of securing person freedom, and why it’s not selfish to focus on your own personal systems first.
Why chasing stoke is a strategic imperative.
How a very low cost of living is magic, and how quickly it is possible to become free.
The role skill acquisition plays in personal resilience as well as decoupling your mind from the paradigm of consumer ideology.
How to internalize systems thinking in your own life, which allows you to align your entire life in the direction of your values and dreams.
The important of discovering and beginning to heal the unique malware that a neglectful culture has most likely installed in your brain.
How to stop worrying and love the metacrisis