On February 13, 2020, I gave a presentation at BuildEx on the topic of “Engineering Visualization”. These are the resources and notes that accompany that presentation.
Suggested Reading to Get your Engineering Visualization Practice off the Ground
Houston, We Have a Narrative, Randy Olson. This is the best resource I’ve found for explaining storytelling structure to technical-minded people. Start here for learning how to ‘tell stories’.
Framed Ink: Drawing and Composition for Visual Storytellers, by Marcos Mateu-Mestre. Yes, it’s about graphic novels. Read it.
Resonate: Present Visual Stories that Transform Audiences, Nancy Duarte
What We Think About When We Try Not To Think About Climate Change, Per Espen Stoknes I referenced this book as the motto and philosophical underpinning for my work comes from this quote:
““..there does seem to be a shortage of captivating storytellers who spread inspiration as well as vivid and attractive images of a future in which we live with more decent jobs, greater well-being, and lower emissions alongside recovering forests. If it cannot be imagined and well told, then people will surely not work for it to happen.” ”
Paul Wheaton’s Eco Scale. I based my “Engineering Visualization Scale” off of the Wheaton scale from the world of permaculture.
Speaking of my EngViz scale, I’m going to publish a post just on the topic of that, soon.
Thanks to all who showed up and engaged, it was an honor to share some time and ideas with you.
For everyone else wondering what I’m talking about - stay tuned, I’m going to release a bunch of information about the content of my talk soon.