First pass at the rough design model is "done", meaning I've got enough of what I want to do figured out that it's time to start actually doing stuff and see what's reasonable.
Basic layout
From the rear to the front: benches and table that collapses into the bed. Storage, water tanks, and solar system will go in the benches.
Kitchen has a gravity-fed sink (a footpump will get water from the main tanks to the gravity tank above the sink), and moveable 2-burner propane stove. Greywater tank under the sink.
Storage shelves opposite the kitchen counter.
DIY composting toilet at the front.
One of my main obsessions/challenges is figuring out how to insulate this thing without sacrificing inner dimensions:
Blue stuff is insulation.
This is showing 1" cavity insulation, with another inch continuous insulation on the inside of the plywood. Finish wall paneling over that, with metal strips to hold it all in place.
Underbelly insulation ideas
I'm trying to figure out how to eliminate thermal bridging through the floor framing members. I came up with this idea to 'cap' them, and then fashion some sort of metal undercap to hold everything in place. Might be overkill.
This is roughly what the frame looks like.
Further refinements to the model will continue through the project as I need to figure things out.
Time to move to phase 1.