So Greece was nice.
Kalymnian sunsets do not suck.
I'm now back in Walkers Pass on the family land, picking up the threads of trailer construction that I had left off at the end of September.
With the hangboard mounted, it's basically done, right?
The first few days back at work mostly consisted of me leaning against a wall, staring at the ceiling, attempting to figure out what parts I need that I don't have and in which order to do everything.
My first priority is to get the insulation complete (winter is coming, y'know). In order to do that, I need to get all of my roof penetrations sorted - solar panel wiring, skylights, and vents. In order to do that, I need to decide where all of my interior walls are going to be. And on and on.
Finally I said "screw it!" and did the only logical thing - I cut two holes in the roof.
Seemed like a good idea at the time.
These will feed the solar panel wires and roof-mounted light circuit.
Wiring Penetrations
Since I was on the roof, I ripped out the old static vent and replaced with a fantastic fan.
New fantastic fan vent installed
I'm also insulating the ceiling cavities.
XPS under foil-backed bubble wrap. Another layer of 1" insulation will go under the cavity insulation.
Okay, that about gets us caught up to the present moment.
I'm writing this right now instead of working on the trailer because I went out this afternoon to do more insulation, cut my last piece of insulation incorrectly, twice, and then the wind blew my ladder over and smashed the windshield on my truck. Okay universe, I get it, today is not a work day.