My friends Jack and Alana and their baby Din (aka The Animal Family) stayed with me from the end of September through October. They were walking the PCT southbound and decided to end their trek here to recover and decompress before moving on. You should read Jack’s posts about their trip.
I built a chair out of free salvaged truss wood and then Jack and I built three more.
We spent a few days in Death Valley, a first for all three of them.
Death Valley from Dante’s View
We broke ground on The Burrow, a round earthsheltered tiny house. Building more shelter so more people can stay here is a top priority now.
I’m in Japan now with my family. For the first couple weeks I’ll be with them, and then I’ll be solo through mid December. For that I’ll probably be at a workaway doing direct DC micro grid and tiny house projects.
The past few months have impressed upon me the centrality of food to human relationships in a way I hadn’t gotten before. EREfest made it clear how people come together around it, and then being the recipient of Jack and Alana’s high level of culinary competence for a full month drove the point home. Good food is good.
Jack’s shakshuka
I’m assembling my plan for Skillathon 2024, a yearlong bender of skill acquisition organized over on the forum. Upping my cooking game is a major theme.
I’m spending a lot of time thinking about devotion as a process-based ‘goal’, decentering stoke. Devotion has a lot going for it.