The tarp as rear door situation lasted from Fall 2020 through Spring 2021. Robyn and I planned a dirtbag tour of the western states for the summer, and decided we needed a better door situation.
The problem was that the small window of time we had for the project coincided with me being under doctor’s orders not to lift anything greater than ten pounds. Robyn would have to do all the actual work, and I’d design and supervise.
I had some salvaged corrugated metal siding I’d pulled off a neighbor’s old shed the year before, and there was plenty of dimensional scrap pieces laying around the property. We used a pocket hole jig to assemble the simple door frames.
The only purchased bits were the door hinges.
It was fun to do a small project together. Most of “our” builds involve me spending a stupid amount of hours planning, thinking, and designing, and then short bursts of together-time when I break off tasks that are straightforward. It seems we only ever do builds that I’ve never done before, so I have to spend a lot of time figuring it out - and it’s difficult to explain or teach how to build something if you’re figuring it out as you go yourself.
These doors were simple enough that I didn’t have to think about them, and being forced to not do any of the real work myself helped to just let go and let Robyn take it over. It turned out to be quite fun and I’m now on the lookout for opportunities to repeat the experience.
There’s a couple odds and ends I’d like to add, but it’s Done for Now.